Monday, May 25, 2009

The Cowboy

Assalamu'alaikum !

A cowboy buys a horse from a friend, who tells him to say “Phew” to make the horse go and “Bah” to make it stop.

The cowboy jumps onto the saddle and says, “It’s getting dark — time to set off.” And then he shouts, “Phew!”

The horse starts to gallop quickly. “Whoa, whoa!” the cowboy yells, but the horse refuses to stop.

They are almost at the brink of a deep canyon, and it seems the cowboy will meet with an unpleasant death. Luckily, at the very last moment, he remembers the right word to use. He yells, “Bah!” The equine animal stops, just inches from the edge.

Looking down at the rocks hundreds of feet below, the cowboy is relieved that he has come through the danger. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and says, “Phew!”

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