Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sya'ban: A Prelude To Ramadan

Assalamu'alaikum !

We welcome Sya'ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. It is also one of the meritorious months; the month prior to the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

Being the month immediately preceding Ramadan, some preparatory measures are needed and deemed necessary to honour Ramadan. One of the first things we should adhere to, following the arrival of this auspicious month, is to welcome it on a happy note and to correct and improve our niat for this month. It is much expected of us to be even more productive in terms of doing good deeds than the month of Rajab. All this is to be done in enthusiasm and eager anticipation to welcome the much awaited month of Ramadan.

The Prophet (s.a.w) himself was keen on fasting in the month of Sya'ban, more than he was in other months. This was a kind of self preparation for the coming of Ramadan i.e. to act as some sort of girding oneself for Ramadan. However, there are no textual evidence that there are specific days in Sya'ban in which fasting is commendable.

On being asked why the fasting in Sya'ban, the Prophet (s.a.w) explained that Sya'ban, due to its position between Rajab and Ramadan, is often neglected by many people. It is a month in which an account of the deeds of human beings is presented before Allah, and the Prophet wished that his deeds are presented at a time when he's in a state of fasting.

Indeed, it is another great opportunity and time presented for us by Allah to improve ourselves from misdeeds and wrongdoings in the past months. In this way, we shall enter Ramadan with renewed feelings and spirits and our souls cleansed from the sins of Jahiliyyah. Salaam.

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